Many women want their hormones checked, and then they wonder what is normal. Prior to menopause, depending on where in the cycle we measure it can be 50-500. After menopause it may be undetectable, or levels of about 10-15. That’s like taking someone from massive caffeine consumption to none. Huge changes. But also why levels are helpful, but not always so revealing as we never knew what your personal range was and how much time you spent on the high end of these levels or the low end.
We often get asked about getting baseline testing for when they get older. While in some settings getting hormone levels will be helpful in monitoring and dosing hormonal therapies, in other settings the data is just not usable.
Since the blood level of estrogen will vary a bit during the day, and vary a lot during the menstrual cycle, timing of testing can be important.
In menopause the blood level of estrogen is very stable so a woman can have it drawn any day of the month, and it should change.
Once you begin a hormone therapy with estradiol your blood level of estrogen should rise.
Premarin isn’t necessarily going to raise the estrogen level as much as you might think, and it has other hormones that don’t register on standard estrogen testing. .
Estrogen delivered through patches or gels to the skin keep pretty stable blood levels.
Estrogen taken by mouth can have peaks and valleys in blood levels that make blood testing a bit less accurate.
Most women should sit around with blood levels of estrogen from 80-100, if they are young the levels may vary from day to day, and during ovulation peaks. If a woman is on hormone replacement therapy she should probably have levels of 80-100.
Call 217-356-3736 for an appointment if you would like your levels tested.