Most women will enter menopause at the same age, around age 50, 51.4 is the commonly used ‘factual age.’
Often your physician uses a hormone test to determine how close you are to menopause, but we could just measure your ovaries by ultrasound as part of the information we need to give you an exact determination!
Fertility and ovarian size is a different story all together. Fertility eggs for IVF is discussed in this article.
Your numbers of both follicles (early development of an egg) and numbers of sleeping eggs accurately determines your age of menopause.
Larger ovaries have more of each of these structures and are likely to have a later menopause.
Genetically the numbers of eggs is determined on your X chromosome (or at least one of them, women are born with two!).
Genes that affect the DNA of repair, will often affect the rate that the sleeping eggs are forced into a state that will never be able to awaken. But you can damage those genes by poor health behaviors such as smoking and other ways you affect your immune system.
Understanding the process of menopause you are progressing through will benefit your health, so come in to discuss with your gyno!