The Right Diet to Cure Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic long term systemic disease, that can lead to pain, fatigue and digestive issues, as well as infertility. It that very likely will resolve in menopause for many women, but those who use Hormone therapy in menopause are at risk for recurrences.

Since inflammation worsens endometriosis, and the wrong diet can worsen inflammation; we at Women’s Health Practice advise all endometriosis patients to be mindful of their diet. In new studies in Journal of Aging Research in Clinical Practice, and in Reproductive Sciences diet had strong impact on endometriosis pain, progression, and infertility. While there is no specific diet that can reliably cure endometriosis, certain foods can help reduce inflammation and balance estrogen levels, which can alleviate symptoms 123.

If you have to pick one type of diet to stick with a meal plan based on the Mediterranean diet is best. If that is not possible due to time, cost of the food, or food tastes, then consider at least 6 months of supplements known to be helpful with endometriosis. Vitamin D, A, C, E, B3, and Omega-3s are all beneficial for endometriosis. Turmeric or it’s derivatives may be helpful as well. DIM–an antioxidant diindolylmethane,  is another supplement that may help in the processing of the hormone Estrogen minimizing the effect of some metabolites of the hormone. minerals calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), selenium (Se), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe), and some studies support the use of extra lactobacilli.

There is evidence that this type of diet can help avoid endometriosis. And small studies indicating avoiding gluten can help with fertility.

Here are more specific dietary recommendations that could help:

There are others who have shown that other more restrictive diets low in gluten, adding foods with nickel, and fermentable components may be helpful. For such a restrictive diet it may be helpful to meet with a nutritionist so that you make sure that all your nutrient needs are met when eliminating whole food groups.

For those diets endometriosis may not be cured, but the pain of endometriosis can be lessened significantly to the point that other management is not necessary. In pregnancy, these diet principals are still healthy and helpful for endometriosis.