Mona Lisa Touch Addresses the Vaginal and Urinary Symptoms of Menopause.

Vaginal Health Without Hormones

 MonaLisa Touch laser therapy safely and effectively address a variety of vaginal symptoms, and very few adverse effects have been reported in the 15 years it has been around as a therapy.

 Vaginal Dryness due to vaginal dryness in perimenopause and menopause is treated with no hormone therapy Even with the passage of time, many women still retain their youthful energy and enthusiasm, but post-menopausal changes can affect a woman’s quality of life in unexpected ways. Hormone replacement therapy may not be the best option for many patients, as treatment outcomes can be uncertain. Now there is an alternative therapy for those who are unable to undergo other treatment options for the vaginal and sexual changes that occur due to perimenopause and menopause.

What is the MonaLisa Touch? MonaLisa Touch is an energy based treatment delivered in a painless 5 minute office treatment. The energy it uses is generated by a carbon dioxide medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the vaginal tissue to revitalize the cells in the vaginal mucosa (vaginal tissue) so that these cells make more collagen, an essential ingredient in vaginal cell health.

How does it work? MonaLisa Touch implements painless, microscopically small, light beams from CO2 laser energy.  The treatment is delivered via side-firing probe inserted into the vaginal canal. A two-part pulse targets surface (epithelial) tissue and deep (lamina propria) tissue to promote vaginal mucosal revitalization.

Does the procedure hurt? The procedure is virtually painless and requires no anesthesia. Some patients may experience some discomfort the first time the probe is inserted, but the actual treatment is not painful. Many patients report that it feels like a gentle vibration. We treat the vulvar tissue, and for that therapy we do apply topical numbing medication. 

How long does it take? 6 minutes during the therapy. Patients receive three treatments, spaced six weeks apart, which each take less than five minutes to perform.

When will I see results? Most patients feel improvement after the first treatment, although the procedure calls for three treatments that are generally spaced over a 12-week period.

How long do the results last? Patients should expect to come back annually for a maintenance treatment. MonaLisa Touch was first available outside the US with up to an 18-month follow-up.  More recent studies indicate some women will find their treatment results will last 2-3 years. This is in contrast to other medical therapies that require daily or weekly therapy.

What are my limitations after the procedure is done? Patients should refrain from sexual activity for 2 days. Your doctor will determine a post-procedure regimen that is right for you.

Is this procedure safe for women with breast cancer? Yes, MonaLisa Touch treatment is particularly well suited for patients who cannot, or prefer not to receive estrogen therapy, other hormonal therapy such as DHEA, or oral Osphena therapy all of which are approved for painful intercourse.

Does this procedure have benefits on urinary symptoms such as painful urination? Yes, recent medical reports indicate that women with a variety of vaginal and urinary symptoms will improve, including improvement over overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.  

Are there supplements that work? We use both VHbalance and Urox+ supplements for vaginal and bladder symptoms. They both are safe and enhance other treatments. 

Are other vaginal therapies necessary with the MonaLisa Touch? Both ThermiVA and Emsella treatments can enhance the results of the MonaLisa Touch. 

Will the procedure be covered by insurance? Consultations, and medical evaluation are covered by most insurances. The treatment itself is FDA cleared and not yet approved so not covered by insurance yet. At Women’s Health Practice we are committed to your health and want to work with you to get the therapies you need. Call for Consultation 217-356-3736.