Vaginal yeast infections and bladder infections can share similar symptoms and occasionally co-occur. Antibiotic treatment for a bladder infection can sometimes lead to a vaginal yeast infection, as the antibiotics disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in the body. Interestingly, the causative organism of a vaginal yeast infection, Candida, may also be present in the bladder initially. In an effort to minimize unnecessary medical treatment, it’s important to sort these out!
Chronic Yeast and Chronic Bladder Infections may also have similar symptoms:
While some women reporting frequent bladder infections may indeed have other underlying conditions such as bladder stones, chronic bladder infections are a common cause. Symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, pain during urination, frequent urination, and hematuria (blood in the urine) are characteristic of bladder infections and typically make the diagnosis relatively straightforward. Yeast infections are more likely to be itchy and have vaginal discharge. It’s not as common to have vaginal odor with a yeast infection. If you need to self treat it won’t harm urinary culture testing.
UTIs as STIs:
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are primarily caused by bacteria but can also result from yeast, chlamydia, or gonorrhea infections. It’s essential to consider the possibility of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when diagnosing UTIs, as certain pathogens like chlamydia and gonorrhea can affect the urinary tract.
Girl Parts are not Sterile:
Contrary to popular belief, the genital areas including the vagina, urethra, and vulva are not sterile. They harbor various bacteria, and even in asymptomatic women, urine cultures often yield bacterial growth. Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common bowel bacteria, is frequently found in these areas and can adhere to the bladder wall, leading to bladder infections. Some strains of E. coli have enhanced adherence capabilities, further increasing the risk of infection. Modern lifestyle factors may contribute to this bacterial colonization, like not urinating completely or often enough, and not drinking enough water.
Understanding the interplay between different microorganisms and the environment within the urinary and genital tracts is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of infections in women. Your gyno can help you sort.