FDA warns that contaminants in skin cream can be a cause of mercury poisoning,
There was an isolated case report at led the CDC to evaluate various skin cream for mercury content.
Many of the mercury containing products are labeled as skin lighteners, or anti-aging formulas.
Signs of mercury poisoning can vary from various weaknesses to feelings that are odd sensations, like odd pains or numbness. These feels may be spontaneous or only when poked or the area of the body is used.
The symptoms usually only become noticeable after weeks or months of exposure (to get the levels of mercury that would be toxic).
The labels may actually be helpful. The FDA says If the words “mercurous chloride,” “calomel,” “mercuric,” “mercurio,” or “mercury” are listed on the label, mercury’s in it—and you should stop using the product immediately.
FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs warns that these these potentially dangerous creams are mostly manufactured abroad illegal in the United States. Consumers may have bought them in another country, or purchased on line. If the ingredients aren’t listed and there is no product label, don’t assume it’s fine. Federal law requires the label to inform you of ingredients.
At WHP Health we can test mercury levels to see if in fact you have inadvertently been exposed.