How to Prevent Blood Clots
Aspirin For Prevention of Cardiovascular disease
- Lots of us are sitting around too much, so before you think about taking medication to lower risks of deep vein blood clots you should make a plan to move more, it’s really the first line strategy for many conditions, remember we should do this on long car trips and plane rides as well.
- Not crossing your legs for long periods is also a good strategy.
- Wearing support stockings for long trips.
- Reporting any lower leg pains and or swelling so that you can get evaluated.
- But assuming that you are trying to do those simple things, then the issue of who can benefit from taking daily aspirins will come up.
- First question is not should you be taking aspirin, but are you at low risk or high risk for cardiovascular disease and accompanying conditions such as Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVTs.
- Daily low dose aspirin use can prevent secondary cardiovascular disease, but it is only one of many strategies
- Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is still not the job of aspirin. Daily low dose aspirin use cannot improve the heart health of someone who is already at very low risk for heart disease, but in this group hormone use has actually been shown to be helpful.
- So like other preventable strategies, you need to talk to your health care provider first, before making a big decision like this!
- Women’s Health Practice is taking new clients for hormonal health, no matter your age you can still optimize your health