Progesterone Only Contraception Can Be Safe and Has Many Options

Is this Contraceptive Right for You?

Lots of choices exist for contraception. Women who use contraception working with their lifestyle will be the happiest and most effective.

Knowing progesterone only contraception may be safer for many women we encourage them to explore all the progesterone only options.

DepoProvera is effective for endometriosis, avoiding menses, and has no estrogen so safe for many women. 

Medicated IUDs have progesterone and are the most effective contraception a woman can have. 

The first OTC oral contraceptive is a progesterone only contraceptive. 

Nexplanon is a small slim matchstick-sized three year contraceptive rod, with only progesterone, implanted in the inside of your arm.

STD protection may still be necessary with all of these options. 

Progesterone only contraception should not be used if you are pregnant, have active liver disease, have unexplained vaginal or menstrual bleeding, breast cancer, allergy to progesterone, or a history of clotting disease. 

Come to discuss options.