A Look Inside Your Uterus Might Reveal This Polyp

Suzanne Trupin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Heavy periods have a number of causes but polyps are common reason and a simple ultrasound shown here can reveal them.

The lining of the uterus is lush and carpet-like in most women, however locally thick tissue can out-pouch into a teardrop shaped structure known as a polyp.

The lining of the uterus is lush and carpet-like in most women, however locally thick tissue can out-pouch into a teardrop shaped structure. These growths that are pouching into tear drop shapes are called polyps.

Polyps should be treated or removed surgically. Generally they are not cancerous, but some experts still think if ignored they can develop into a cancer.

Polyps are not healthy for the lining of the uterus as they can cause problems with your menstrual periods, cramping and discharge in some cases, heavy blood clotting in other cases, and mid-cycle bleeding in other cases.

A polyp can interfere with pregnancy by causing bleeding or miscarriage, and cause infertility by not allowing proper egg implantation.

Some uterine lining polyps are quite tiny, only found by ultrasound  as seen in this picture, or have to be found by SIS or ‘water test ‘of the uterus which uses fluid to surround the polyp so it can be seen better.

Others are found by pelvic examination with tissue actually protruding through the cervix, as this very large polyp was. Although large, and causing dangerously heavy bleeding, this polyp was not cancerous.

Endometrial polyps are just one reason to always get a pelvic examination at the time of any unusual bleeding, and for that matter, be sure to get them yearly!