How Your Weight Influences Your Hormones During Menopause

Menopause will decrease your male hormones, your precursor male hormones (what needs to be produced before you make an androgen or male hormone), decrease your estrogen, but INCREASE CORTISOL and increase those metabolites of cortisol that can act somewhat like cortisol in the body.

Body weight influences all of these hormones.

How your body weight influences your hormones changes from premenopause to menopause.

So to understand your hormones, it’s not just where you are in menopause, but where your weight is. If you have actually changed your BMI, you may have altered your hormones, and it may be time to check into those.

The heavier you are, as your BMI increases, your cortisol and other similar steroids out the adrenal gland are increased even more.

Personal factors such as nutrition, activity, stress, and other medications can affect your hormones as well. Come in for an evaluation.