- Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal condition.
- Women have many bacteria in their vagina, and the most common one is the lactobacilli which should dominate under normal healthy circumstances.
- Without these lactobacilli you are more likely to get STDs, infertility, and pelvic inflammatory disease which can also lead to pelvic pain and more risk of tubal pregnancies.
- If you do no treatment you will feel like the infection went way about 20% of the time, if you have a culture the infection will persist about 95% of the time. It’s hard to diagnose on its own so a gyno visit is usually recommended. Treatment is effective about 80-90% of the time according to patient reports. Because culture tests show that eradication of one of the many out of balance bacteria shows persistence of infection, it may take more than one round of treatment to clear up the infection.
- Traditional therapies involve using metronidazole, clindamycin, or tinidazole.
- A new simplified packet of granules that you take as a one time dosage has simplified treatment it is called Solosec.
- The treatment Solosec has no alcohol restriction as opposed to the more commonly used oral therapies which both take more doses to be effective and inhibit the enzymes that metabolize alcohol.
- Solosec is well tolerated with a low incidence of side effects
- Like other medicines that treat with BV a known side effect of this newest treatment is to then develop a yeast infection
- SOLOSEC is a single-dose therapy for oral use. The entire contents of SOLOSEC packet should be sprinkled onto applesauce, yogurt or pudding and consumed once within 30 minutes without chewing or crunching the granules. SOLOSEC is not intended to be dissolved in any liquid.
- In clinical studies, the most common side effects occurring in (≥2%) of patients receiving SOLOSEC 2g oral granules other than the vulvovaginal candidiasis (9.6%), were headache (3.6%), nausea (3.6%), dysgeusia (3.4%), vomiting (2.5%), diarrhea (2.5%),
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- Bacterial Vaginosis
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- bladder health
- bloating
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- blood sugar
- bmi
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- bone health
- Boric Acid
- Botox
- BP
- brain fog
- brain health
- breakthrough bleeding
- breast
- breast cancer
- breast density
- breast health
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- breasts
- buttocks
- BV
- ca125
- caffeine
- cancer prevention
- cancer risk
- cannabis
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cholesterol
- colon cancer
- condoms
- contraception
- contraceptive patch
- contracption
- contrception
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- core health
- cortisol
- Covid-19
- CT
- dense breasts
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- depression
- diabetes
- diet
- digestive health
- dmpa
- DNA repair
- Duavee
- dysmenorrhea
- dysparunia
- ectopic pregnancy
- ED
- emotional health
- Emsculpt
- Emsculpt Neo
- Emsella
- endometrial ablation
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial polyp
- Endometriosis
- energy hormones
- erectile disfunction
- errection
- estrogen
- exercise
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- Female Sexuality
- fertility
- fibroids
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- forgetfulness
- GC
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- genetics
- gestational diabetes
- glucose
- gluten
- growth hormone
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- gynecologic cancer
- gynecologic infection
- gynecological surgery
- hair
- hair health
- hair loss
- headache
- heart
- heart disease
- heart health
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- heavy periods
- hemorrhoids
- herbal therapy
- herpes
- high blood pressure
- hirsuitism
- hirsutism
- Hormonal Acne
- hormone balance
- hormone health
- hormone tests
- hormone therapy
- hormones
- hot flash
- hot flashes
- hyperhidrosis
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
- immune health
- incontince
- incontinence
- infertility
- kidney health
- Kyleena
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- meditation
- melanoma
- melatonin
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- menstrual periods
- menstrual spotting
- mental health
- mercury
- metabolism
- microbiome
- migraines
- Mirena
- miscarriage
- Mona LIsa
- Mona Lisa Touch
- MonaLisa
- MonaLisaTouch
- mood
- mood swings
- Myfembree
- nexplanon
- night sweats
- non-hormonal therapy of menopause
- numbness
- nutri
- Nutrition
- nutrtion
- obesity
- Oral Contraception
- oral contraceptives
- orgasm
- Oriahnn
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian cyst
- ovarian cysts
- ovarian health
- ovulation
- oxytocin
- Ozempic
- pain
- painful sex
- pap smear
- pelvic exam
- pelvic floor
- pelvic pain
- perimenopause
- phentermine
- pigment protection
- polyp
- postmenopausal bleeding
- pregnancy
- pregnancy planning
- premature menopause
- prenatal care
- preterm birth
- progesterone
- PRP therapy
- rectocele
- sclerotherapy
- semaglutide
- sex
- sexual arousal
- sexual health
- sexuality
- skin
- skin health
- Skin Tightening
- Skyla
- sleep
- smoking
- sperm
- sterilization
- stress
- sun damage
- sunscreen
- Supplements
- sweat
- Sweating
- tampon
- tampons
- testosterone
- testosterone pellet
- testosterone pellets
- ThermiVa
- thryoid
- thyroid
- Trichomonas
- tubal ligation
- ultrasound
- Upneeq
- urine
- uterine cancer
- uterine fibroid
- uterine fibroids
- uterine prolapse
- uterus
- vaccination
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal dryness
- vaginal estrogen
- Vaginal health
- vaginal odor
- vaginitis
- vasomotor symptoms
- veins
- vFit
- Vision Health
- vitamins
- vulva
- Wegovy
- weight
- weight gain
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- wellness
- weomen's health
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- Skin Tightening (1 Posts)
- STDs (14 Posts)
- The Pap Smear (6 Posts)
- ThermiVa and MonaLisa Touch (21 Posts)
- Uterine Fibroids (7 Posts)
- Vaginal Health (35 Posts)
- Weight loss (12 Posts)
- Women's Health History (6 Posts)
- abdominal pain
- abnormal pap
- acne
- adenomyosis
- adrenal gland
- African American
- alcohol
- amenorrhea
- anal
- androgen levels
- anemia
- anti-aging
- back health
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- bariatric surgery
- bioidentical hormones
- biological clock
- BioTE
- birth control
- birthing
- bladder
- bladder health
- bloating
- blood pressure
- blood sugar
- bmi
- Body Composition
- body contouring
- Body shaping
- bone health
- Boric Acid
- Botox
- BP
- brain fog
- brain health
- breakthrough bleeding
- breast
- breast cancer
- breast density
- breast health
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- breasts
- buttocks
- BV
- ca125
- caffeine
- cancer prevention
- cancer risk
- cannabis
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cholesterol
- colon cancer
- condoms
- contraception
- contraceptive patch
- contracption
- contrception
- Coolsculpting
- core health
- cortisol
- Covid-19
- CT
- dense breasts
- dental health
- depression
- diabetes
- diet
- digestive health
- dmpa
- DNA repair
- Duavee
- dysmenorrhea
- dysparunia
- ectopic pregnancy
- ED
- emotional health
- Emsculpt
- Emsculpt Neo
- Emsella
- endometrial ablation
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial polyp
- Endometriosis
- energy hormones
- erectile disfunction
- errection
- estrogen
- exercise
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- Female Sexuality
- fertility
- fibroids
- Fitness
- forgetfulness
- GC
- gender
- genetics
- gestational diabetes
- glucose
- gluten
- growth hormone
- gut health
- gynecologic cancer
- gynecologic infection
- gynecological surgery
- hair
- hair health
- hair loss
- headache
- heart
- heart disease
- heart health
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- heavy periods
- hemorrhoids
- herbal therapy
- herpes
- high blood pressure
- hirsuitism
- hirsutism
- Hormonal Acne
- hormone balance
- hormone health
- hormone tests
- hormone therapy
- hormones
- hot flash
- hot flashes
- hyperhidrosis
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
- immune health
- incontince
- incontinence
- infertility
- kidney health
- Kyleena
- Laser
- lasers
- Leiomyomata
- libido
- Liletta
- lip filler
- liver
- longevity
- lubricants
- lung health
- male sexuality
- mammogram
- mastitis
- meditation
- melanoma
- melatonin
- men's health
- menopause
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual periods
- menstrual spotting
- mental health
- mercury
- metabolism
- microbiome
- migraines
- Mirena
- miscarriage
- Mona LIsa
- Mona Lisa Touch
- MonaLisa
- MonaLisaTouch
- mood
- mood swings
- Myfembree
- nexplanon
- night sweats
- non-hormonal therapy of menopause
- numbness
- nutri
- Nutrition
- nutrtion
- obesity
- Oral Contraception
- oral contraceptives
- orgasm
- Oriahnn
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian cyst
- ovarian cysts
- ovarian health
- ovulation
- oxytocin
- Ozempic
- pain
- painful sex
- pap smear
- pelvic exam
- pelvic floor
- pelvic pain
- perimenopause
- phentermine
- pigment protection
- polyp
- postmenopausal bleeding
- pregnancy
- pregnancy planning
- premature menopause
- prenatal care
- preterm birth
- progesterone
- PRP therapy
- rectocele
- sclerotherapy
- semaglutide
- sex
- sexual arousal
- sexual health
- sexuality
- skin
- skin health
- Skin Tightening
- Skyla
- sleep
- smoking
- sperm
- sterilization
- stress
- sun damage
- sunscreen
- Supplements
- sweat
- Sweating
- tampon
- tampons
- testosterone
- testosterone pellet
- testosterone pellets
- ThermiVa
- thryoid
- thyroid
- Trichomonas
- tubal ligation
- ultrasound
- Upneeq
- urine
- uterine cancer
- uterine fibroid
- uterine fibroids
- uterine prolapse
- uterus
- vaccination
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal dryness
- vaginal estrogen
- Vaginal health
- vaginal odor
- vaginitis
- vasomotor symptoms
- veins
- vFit
- Vision Health
- vitamins
- vulva
- Wegovy
- weight
- weight gain
- Weight Loss
- weight management
- wellness
- weomen's health
- women's health research
- yeast
- yeast infection
- yoga
- Zepbound