Menopausal women just got a the first in it’s class a new non-hormonal drug to treat menopausal hot flashes. This breakthrough therapy that will help them thermoregulate better and feel more even keel. The medication is fezolinetant with a brand name Veozah.
Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, feeling too hot, feeling too cold, and sleep disturbances are just some of the common symptoms that women may experience during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been the go-to treatment for many years, but concerns about its safety have led to the exploration of alternative options, such as radical new treatment fezolinetant.
It belongs to a class of drugs known as neurokinin 3 (NK3) receptor antagonists. NK3 receptors are found in the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus, where they play a role in regulating body temperature and mood. Fezolinetant, brand name Veozah, works by blocking several receptors such as kisspeptin, neurokinin,B, and dynorphin, which then in turn is believed to help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats.
Fezolinetant has been studied in clinical trials involving postmenopausal women who experience moderate to severe hot flashes, the latest which was just published in Obstetrics and Gynecology April 2023. The results of these trials have shown efficacy in reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes compared to placebo. Fezolinetant is typically taken orally in the form of a pill, once a day at a 45 mg dosage. Women can expect at least 50% reduction of their hot flashes after 4 weeks of the medication.
Adverse effects are not common, but can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, insomnia, back pain, and elevated liver function tests.
Other Treatment Options for Menopause Symptoms
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) remains a common and effective treatment for many women. Standard HRT involves taking estrogen and/or progesterone to replace the hormones that decline during menopause. However, HRT has been associated with potential risks, including real, but small an increased risk of breast cancer (for estrogen and progesterone combinations), blood clots, and stroke, which have to be balanced against possible benefits.
Bioidentical hormones, such as the use of testosterone or testosterone and estrogen combinations with BioTE pellets can also address menopausal concerns such as reduced energy, fatigue, low libido, vaginal dryness, weight gain, increased heart disease risk, low muscle mass, and low skeletal mass.
Non-hormonal options for menopausal wellness are also available, including lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and managing stress. Some women may also find relief from certain complementary and alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, yoga, and herbal supplements. It’s important to discuss these options with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment approach based on an individual’s health history and preferences.
Fezolinetant is a drug that is currently being investigated as a potential treatment for menopause symptoms, specifically hot flashes and night sweats. While it has shown promise in clinical trials, it is not yet approved for use in menopause. It’s crucial to wait for regulatory approval and follow the guidance