Exercise: Prevents, Improves and Can Even Eliminate Depression
July 30, 2019
Exercise is linked to neuroprotection which is one way our brain will improve and preserve function
Exercise is also lined to neurotrophic factor, or in other words help our brain attract nutrients it needs
Over 30 research trials have shown that exercise reduces the symptoms of depression, in a variety of types of mild and major depression
The amount and type of exercise is not as important as just doing some exercise
Resistance training helps the most, but all exercises studied do work
The details of the studis as reported in the June 25, 2019 JAMA showed that even 15 minutes a day of very strenuous exercise, or 1 hour a day of moderate activity, reduced the odds of ever developing depression my 26%
The most difficult issue is initiating regular exercise, and that is something we can help you with at Hatha Yoga and Fitness