One of the 4 components to your core is the pelvic floor. So exercising your the core will help your pelvic floor, but specific attention to the pelvic floor itself is important.
Kegel’s Exercises done regularly will improve pelvic floor health.
You can do those on your own, use tools to help, and there are best practice techniques that help those be successful.
Have a Regular Pelvic Exam, this you should see us for once a year.
Mona Lisa Touch therapy, having treated hundreds of treatment cycles addressing a variety of vaginal concerns. Mona Lisa treatments help urinary, pre-cancerous, anatomic, and dermatologic conditions of the vagina. At WHP we customize treatment that is right for you, and ongoing health!
Work out your pelvic floor! You can do this with Emsella treatments, we will recommend unique solutions to strengthening your pelvic floor. With over 30 years of experience in treating pelvic floor conditions we have the ability to individualize your treatments.
TTCRF therapy sessions. Transcutaneous Temperature Controlled Radiofrequency treatment, experience with over 500 women treated with vaginal regeneration procedures have given us the unique experience to design a custom treatment design. We use the device ThermiVa.
Not for everyone, but PRP or PGDF, or PRPF s also recommended for improvement of arousal, sensation, and orgasm.
New patients are accepted. 217-356-3736. Customized treatment plans can be arranged over 1-5 treatment sessions. Appointments available daily, and treatment sessions will range from 20-60 minutes. Consultations in person, are $150, with the cost being applied to treatments if received. Some pretesting may be required and we suggest you arrange for the last year’s gynecologic testing and visits be brought for evaluation.