- Breast pain is a common, bothersome problem. A medical concern should be evaluated by your health care provider, but there are steps you can take to minimize this condition. If your self help steps are failing, call the gyno.
- The medical condition of breast pain is called mastodynia.
- Heat therapy, cool compresses, or gentle massage can help relive the discomfort, but none of these treatments will likely treat the underlying condition.
- Ill fitting bras can cause breast pain, use a sports bra for exercise.
- Diet can affect breast pain, especially your sugar metabolism and sugar metabolic control.
- Many breast pain conditions are just due to fibrocystic disease, it is very rare for breast pain to be a sign of cancer.
- Persistent breast pains are definitely a reason to see your gyno. and to get caught up on your mammograms.
- Skin changes accompanied by breast pain is more serious. But if you have pain, skin changes, or lumpiness that your gyno has not been able to specifically diagnose or treat, you may have a rare breast condition.
- Atherosclerosis including poor circulation, can cause both exaggerate pain and cause more episodes of breast pain. So heart heath is imperative here as well.
- Sugar and increased caffeine around the cycle may exaggerate pain you get in the premenstrual time.
- Breast pain cause by infections that are not mastitis would include molluscum, actinomycosis, syphilis, or even tuberculosis. All these infections can cause pains or medical conditions in the underarm (also called axillary) areas as well as infections to individual breast sinuses
- The disease scarcoidosis can cause breast problems, completely unrelated to diet.
- Diabetic women can get a condition called diabetic ‘mastopathy’ the official word for breast disease. that is not written about very much. Diabetic mastopathy is mostly just reported in insulin dependent diabetics. This can be due to circulation or tissue changes that become painful over time. The treatment for this breast condition includes treatment of your diabetes.
- For answers to other diabetic common questions see this link. It is not well established how often this occurs in those who are insulin resistant and not yet in full blown diabetes, but researchers are looking into this as well.
- For examination call.
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- breakthrough bleeding
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- breast cancer
- breast density
- breast health
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- breasts
- buttocks
- BV
- ca125
- caffeine
- cancer prevention
- cancer risk
- cannabis
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cholesterol
- colon cancer
- condoms
- contraception
- contraceptive patch
- contracption
- contrception
- Coolsculpting
- core health
- cortisol
- Covid-19
- CT
- dense breasts
- dental health
- depression
- diabetes
- diet
- digestive health
- dmpa
- DNA repair
- Duavee
- dysmenorrhea
- dysparunia
- ectopic pregnancy
- ED
- emotional health
- Emsculpt
- Emsculpt Neo
- Emsella
- endometrial ablation
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial polyp
- Endometriosis
- energy hormones
- erectile disfunction
- errection
- estrogen
- exercise
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- Female Sexuality
- fertility
- fibroids
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- forgetfulness
- GC
- gender
- genetics
- gestational diabetes
- glucose
- gluten
- growth hormone
- gut health
- gynecologic cancer
- gynecologic infection
- gynecological surgery
- hair
- hair health
- hair loss
- headache
- heart
- heart disease
- heart health
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- heavy periods
- hemorrhoids
- herbal therapy
- herpes
- high blood pressure
- hirsuitism
- hirsutism
- Hormonal Acne
- hormone balance
- hormone health
- hormone tests
- hormone therapy
- hormones
- hot flash
- hot flashes
- hyperhidrosis
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
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- incontince
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- infertility
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- lasers
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- microbiome
- migraines
- Mirena
- miscarriage
- Mona LIsa
- Mona Lisa Touch
- MonaLisa
- MonaLisaTouch
- mood
- mood swings
- Myfembree
- nexplanon
- night sweats
- non-hormonal therapy of menopause
- numbness
- nutri
- Nutrition
- nutrtion
- obesity
- Oral Contraception
- oral contraceptives
- orgasm
- Oriahnn
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian cyst
- ovarian cysts
- ovarian health
- ovulation
- oxytocin
- Ozempic
- pain
- painful sex
- pap smear
- pelvic exam
- pelvic floor
- pelvic pain
- perimenopause
- phentermine
- pigment protection
- polyp
- postmenopausal bleeding
- pregnancy
- pregnancy planning
- premature menopause
- prenatal care
- preterm birth
- progesterone
- PRP therapy
- rectocele
- sclerotherapy
- semaglutide
- sex
- sexual arousal
- sexual health
- sexuality
- skin
- skin health
- Skin Tightening
- Skyla
- sleep
- smoking
- soy
- sperm
- sterilization
- stress
- sun damage
- sunscreen
- Supplements
- sweat
- Sweating
- tampon
- tampons
- testosterone
- testosterone pellet
- testosterone pellets
- ThermiVa
- thryoid
- thyroid
- Trichomonas
- tubal ligation
- ultrasound
- Upneeq
- urine
- uterine cancer
- uterine fibroid
- uterine fibroids
- uterine prolapse
- uterus
- vaccination
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal dryness
- vaginal estrogen
- Vaginal health
- vaginal odor
- vaginitis
- vasomotor symptoms
- veins
- vFit
- Vision Health
- vitamins
- vulva
- Wegovy
- weight
- weight gain
- Weight Loss
- weight management
- wellness
- weomen's health
- women's health research
- yeast
- yeast infection
- yoga
- Zepbound