Cracking The Egg Nutritional Guideline

  1. Eggs are healthy for us containing minerals, folate, B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, bioactive compounds and are a healthy source of protein. Once ounce of egg is worth 6 grams of protein.
  2. Eggs are also rich in iron selenium, zinc, choline, and B12
  3. Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that protect the eyes from damage caused by blue light and may reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
  4. Eggs do contain 186 mg of cholesterol. The current guideline is for those trying to reduce cholesterol consumption should be under 300 mg per day. For those who’s nutritional plan includes lowering cholesterol focus on just eating the egg white not the yolks. 
  5. Links between egg consumption and heart disease have been inconclusive. Those eggs from specially raised hens can continue higher levels of Omega-3s which do improve heart health. 
  6. Food studies are hard to compare to each other as some studies looked only at numbers of eggs consumed, and other studies looked at overall consumption in conjunction with other foods. If you also eat a lot of bacon, processed meats, and salt with your eggs, it may not be the egg as the problem.
  7. Some studies included diabetic patients, and we know their rates of heart disease are elevated.
  8. A study that just looked at all the heart studies from 1966 to 2020 found that egg consumption levels were not associated with heart disease and actually reduces the risk of coronary vascular disease.
  9. Egg consumption may help our good cholesterol do its work, and the protective lutein and zeaxanthins may help protect the inner blood vessels from building up plaque.
  10. More research to come, but for now, regular egg consumption is not associated with heart disease, and may be protective.
  11. For more information on how to live well and protect your heart, make an appointment at Women’s Health Practice.