Can You Tell Me How To Get Rid of This Pimple?

Controlling facial, chest and back acne is all about calming the inflammation in the tiny skin hair and oil (sebum)glands.

First step: identify the pimple: a whitehead: that is from the hair follicle being dilated, stuffed with dead top layer of skin, bacteria, and some oil. The Blackhead is basically the same, just has some dark (aka dirt) because the top is ‘open.’ The size of the acne, the surrounding inflammation, the type of bacteria, and your age will further define your type.

Cure is possible, but for most control. Most acne begins as a microlesion you cannot see, making sure it doesn’t progress has been one important strategy.

Like everything else, keep good notes. What has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what treatments actually made you worse is important. And involve your aesthetician and physician in keeping track.

If there are blocked glands: then you need a retinol. If infection antibiotics or other products to kill bacteria, hormones can control the oils.

For most people first use a topical retinoid, benzol peroxide, or azelaic acid. More severed disease see a physician for antibiotic, or hormonal therapy.

Step one is something topical, if you are much worse, many of these treatments have to be given in pills.

Clean and wash, don’t scrub and harm your skin.

Protect your skin from the elements, do use sun screen.

Have good nutrition, but no actual acne guidelines recommend a specific diet.