- Begin a clinical breast exam by age 25
- If you had a relative with breast cancer, begin screening 5 years before the age at which she was diagnosed
- Get annual mammograms beginning at age 40
- If you are at high risk for breast cancer consider using MRI rather than standard mammography alone
- Newer 3D mammograms are better screening tests, but ask your gyno if you should have one done before your next screening.
- Anti-aging (36 Posts)
- Athletes (44 Posts)
- Bladder Health (12 Posts)
- Body Contouring (15 Posts)
- Bone Health (11 Posts)
- Botox (1 Posts)
- Breast Health (24 Posts)
- Contraception (56 Posts)
- Coolsculpting (3 Posts)
- Depression (1 Posts)
- Emsculpt (5 Posts)
- Emsella (11 Posts)
- Endometriosis (11 Posts)
- Exercise (8 Posts)
- Fertility (43 Posts)
- Fitness (12 Posts)
- Gynecologic Cancer (38 Posts)
- Hair Health (1 Posts)
- Hormone Optimizaiton (71 Posts)
- Hormone Therapy (15 Posts)
- Hysterectomy (15 Posts)
- Incontinence (6 Posts)
- Laser Treatments (1 Posts)
- menopause (63 Posts)
- Menstrual Health (24 Posts)
- Mental Health (10 Posts)
- News & Updates (16 Posts)
- Nutrition (9 Posts)
- Our Body (220 Posts)
- Our Breasts (29 Posts)
- Our Cures (56 Posts)
- Our Guys (67 Posts)
- Our Gyno Health (502 Posts)
- Our Lifestyle (93 Posts)
- Our Nutrition (131 Posts)
- Our Sex Life (86 Posts)
- Our Skin (41 Posts)
- Pelvic Floor Health (7 Posts)
- Pregnancy (38 Posts)
- Sexual Health (11 Posts)
- Skin Care (4 Posts)
- Skin Health (10 Posts)
- Skin Regimens (1 Posts)
- Skin Tightening (1 Posts)
- STDs (14 Posts)
- The Pap Smear (6 Posts)
- ThermiVa and MonaLisa Touch (21 Posts)
- Uterine Fibroids (7 Posts)
- Vaginal Health (35 Posts)
- Weight loss (12 Posts)
- Women's Health History (6 Posts)
- abdominal pain
- abnormal pap
- acne
- adenomyosis
- adrenal gland
- African American
- alcohol
- amenorrhea
- anal
- androgen levels
- anemia
- anti-aging
- back health
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- bariatric surgery
- bioidentical hormones
- biological clock
- BioTE
- birth control
- birthing
- bladder
- bladder health
- bloating
- blood pressure
- blood sugar
- bmi
- Body Composition
- body contouring
- Body shaping
- bone health
- Boric Acid
- Botox
- BP
- brain fog
- brain health
- breakthrough bleeding
- breast
- breast cancer
- breast density
- breast health
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- breasts
- buttocks
- BV
- ca125
- caffeine
- cancer prevention
- cancer risk
- cannabis
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cholesterol
- colon cancer
- condoms
- contraception
- contraceptive patch
- contracption
- contrception
- Coolsculpting
- core health
- cortisol
- Covid-19
- CT
- dense breasts
- dental health
- depression
- diabetes
- diet
- digestive health
- dmpa
- DNA repair
- Duavee
- dysmenorrhea
- dysparunia
- ectopic pregnancy
- ED
- emotional health
- Emsculpt
- Emsculpt Neo
- Emsella
- endometrial ablation
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial polyp
- Endometriosis
- energy hormones
- erectile disfunction
- errection
- estrogen
- exercise
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- Female Sexuality
- fertility
- fibroids
- Fitness
- forgetfulness
- GC
- gender
- genetics
- gestational diabetes
- glucose
- gluten
- growth hormone
- gut health
- gynecologic cancer
- gynecologic infection
- gynecological surgery
- hair
- hair health
- hair loss
- headache
- heart
- heart disease
- heart health
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- heavy periods
- hemorrhoids
- herbal therapy
- herpes
- high blood pressure
- hirsuitism
- hirsutism
- Hormonal Acne
- hormone balance
- hormone health
- hormone tests
- hormone therapy
- hormones
- hot flash
- hot flashes
- hyperhidrosis
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
- immune health
- incontince
- incontinence
- infertility
- kidney health
- Kyleena
- Laser
- lasers
- Leiomyomata
- libido
- Liletta
- lip filler
- liver
- longevity
- lubricants
- lung health
- male sexuality
- mammogram
- mastitis
- meditation
- melanoma
- melatonin
- men's health
- menopause
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual periods
- menstrual spotting
- mental health
- mercury
- metabolism
- microbiome
- migraines
- Mirena
- miscarriage
- Mona LIsa
- Mona Lisa Touch
- MonaLisa
- MonaLisaTouch
- mood
- mood swings
- Myfembree
- nexplanon
- night sweats
- non-hormonal therapy of menopause
- numbness
- nutri
- Nutrition
- nutrtion
- obesity
- Oral Contraception
- oral contraceptives
- orgasm
- Oriahnn
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian cyst
- ovarian cysts
- ovarian health
- ovulation
- oxytocin
- Ozempic
- pain
- painful sex
- pap smear
- pelvic exam
- pelvic floor
- pelvic pain
- perimenopause
- phentermine
- pigment protection
- polyp
- postmenopausal bleeding
- pregnancy
- pregnancy planning
- premature menopause
- prenatal care
- preterm birth
- progesterone
- PRP therapy
- rectocele
- sclerotherapy
- semaglutide
- sex
- sexual arousal
- sexual health
- sexuality
- skin
- skin health
- Skin Tightening
- Skyla
- sleep
- smoking
- sperm
- sterilization
- stress
- sun damage
- sunscreen
- Supplements
- sweat
- Sweating
- tampon
- tampons
- testosterone
- testosterone pellet
- testosterone pellets
- ThermiVa
- thryoid
- thyroid
- Trichomonas
- tubal ligation
- ultrasound
- Upneeq
- urine
- uterine cancer
- uterine fibroid
- uterine fibroids
- uterine prolapse
- uterus
- vaccination
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal dryness
- vaginal estrogen
- Vaginal health
- vaginal odor
- vaginitis
- vasomotor symptoms
- veins
- vFit
- Vision Health
- vitamins
- vulva
- Wegovy
- weight
- weight gain
- Weight Loss
- weight management
- wellness
- weomen's health
- women's health research
- yeast
- yeast infection
- yoga
- Zepbound
- Anti-aging (36 Posts)
- Athletes (44 Posts)
- Bladder Health (12 Posts)
- Body Contouring (15 Posts)
- Bone Health (11 Posts)
- Botox (1 Posts)
- Breast Health (24 Posts)
- Contraception (56 Posts)
- Coolsculpting (3 Posts)
- Depression (1 Posts)
- Emsculpt (5 Posts)
- Emsella (11 Posts)
- Endometriosis (11 Posts)
- Exercise (8 Posts)
- Fertility (43 Posts)
- Fitness (12 Posts)
- Gynecologic Cancer (38 Posts)
- Hair Health (1 Posts)
- Hormone Optimizaiton (71 Posts)
- Hormone Therapy (15 Posts)
- Hysterectomy (15 Posts)
- Incontinence (6 Posts)
- Laser Treatments (1 Posts)
- menopause (63 Posts)
- Menstrual Health (24 Posts)
- Mental Health (10 Posts)
- News & Updates (16 Posts)
- Nutrition (9 Posts)
- Our Body (220 Posts)
- Our Breasts (29 Posts)
- Our Cures (56 Posts)
- Our Guys (67 Posts)
- Our Gyno Health (502 Posts)
- Our Lifestyle (93 Posts)
- Our Nutrition (131 Posts)
- Our Sex Life (86 Posts)
- Our Skin (41 Posts)
- Pelvic Floor Health (7 Posts)
- Pregnancy (38 Posts)
- Sexual Health (11 Posts)
- Skin Care (4 Posts)
- Skin Health (10 Posts)
- Skin Regimens (1 Posts)
- Skin Tightening (1 Posts)
- STDs (14 Posts)
- The Pap Smear (6 Posts)
- ThermiVa and MonaLisa Touch (21 Posts)
- Uterine Fibroids (7 Posts)
- Vaginal Health (35 Posts)
- Weight loss (12 Posts)
- Women's Health History (6 Posts)
- abdominal pain
- abnormal pap
- acne
- adenomyosis
- adrenal gland
- African American
- alcohol
- amenorrhea
- anal
- androgen levels
- anemia
- anti-aging
- back health
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- bariatric surgery
- bioidentical hormones
- biological clock
- BioTE
- birth control
- birthing
- bladder
- bladder health
- bloating
- blood pressure
- blood sugar
- bmi
- Body Composition
- body contouring
- Body shaping
- bone health
- Boric Acid
- Botox
- BP
- brain fog
- brain health
- breakthrough bleeding
- breast
- breast cancer
- breast density
- breast health
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- breasts
- buttocks
- BV
- ca125
- caffeine
- cancer prevention
- cancer risk
- cannabis
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cholesterol
- colon cancer
- condoms
- contraception
- contraceptive patch
- contracption
- contrception
- Coolsculpting
- core health
- cortisol
- Covid-19
- CT
- dense breasts
- dental health
- depression
- diabetes
- diet
- digestive health
- dmpa
- DNA repair
- Duavee
- dysmenorrhea
- dysparunia
- ectopic pregnancy
- ED
- emotional health
- Emsculpt
- Emsculpt Neo
- Emsella
- endometrial ablation
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial polyp
- Endometriosis
- energy hormones
- erectile disfunction
- errection
- estrogen
- exercise
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- Female Sexuality
- fertility
- fibroids
- Fitness
- forgetfulness
- GC
- gender
- genetics
- gestational diabetes
- glucose
- gluten
- growth hormone
- gut health
- gynecologic cancer
- gynecologic infection
- gynecological surgery
- hair
- hair health
- hair loss
- headache
- heart
- heart disease
- heart health
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- heavy periods
- hemorrhoids
- herbal therapy
- herpes
- high blood pressure
- hirsuitism
- hirsutism
- Hormonal Acne
- hormone balance
- hormone health
- hormone tests
- hormone therapy
- hormones
- hot flash
- hot flashes
- hyperhidrosis
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
- immune health
- incontince
- incontinence
- infertility
- kidney health
- Kyleena
- Laser
- lasers
- Leiomyomata
- libido
- Liletta
- lip filler
- liver
- longevity
- lubricants
- lung health
- male sexuality
- mammogram
- mastitis
- meditation
- melanoma
- melatonin
- men's health
- menopause
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual periods
- menstrual spotting
- mental health
- mercury
- metabolism
- microbiome
- migraines
- Mirena
- miscarriage
- Mona LIsa
- Mona Lisa Touch
- MonaLisa
- MonaLisaTouch
- mood
- mood swings
- Myfembree
- nexplanon
- night sweats
- non-hormonal therapy of menopause
- numbness
- nutri
- Nutrition
- nutrtion
- obesity
- Oral Contraception
- oral contraceptives
- orgasm
- Oriahnn
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian cyst
- ovarian cysts
- ovarian health
- ovulation
- oxytocin
- Ozempic
- pain
- painful sex
- pap smear
- pelvic exam
- pelvic floor
- pelvic pain
- perimenopause
- phentermine
- pigment protection
- polyp
- postmenopausal bleeding
- pregnancy
- pregnancy planning
- premature menopause
- prenatal care
- preterm birth
- progesterone
- PRP therapy
- rectocele
- sclerotherapy
- semaglutide
- sex
- sexual arousal
- sexual health
- sexuality
- skin
- skin health
- Skin Tightening
- Skyla
- sleep
- smoking
- sperm
- sterilization
- stress
- sun damage
- sunscreen
- Supplements
- sweat
- Sweating
- tampon
- tampons
- testosterone
- testosterone pellet
- testosterone pellets
- ThermiVa
- thryoid
- thyroid
- Trichomonas
- tubal ligation
- ultrasound
- Upneeq
- urine
- uterine cancer
- uterine fibroid
- uterine fibroids
- uterine prolapse
- uterus
- vaccination
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal dryness
- vaginal estrogen
- Vaginal health
- vaginal odor
- vaginitis
- vasomotor symptoms
- veins
- vFit
- Vision Health
- vitamins
- vulva
- Wegovy
- weight
- weight gain
- Weight Loss
- weight management
- wellness
- weomen's health
- women's health research
- yeast
- yeast infection
- yoga
- Zepbound