When it comes to vaginal health there are a myriad of products that are helpful to treat all the daily conditions we experience: irritation from rough toilet paper, chafing after workouts or yoga, a bit of longer sex, jeans that are a bit tighter than would feel amazing, etc!
Vaginal moisturizers just rehydrate the lining tissue of the vagina also called vaginal epithelium.
Vaginal moisturizers work to increase vaginal fluid at the pH that is normal for healthy women.
Like a good facial moisturizer women report better tissue elasticity, and because there is a better pH there are reports of fewer infections, less irritation with sex or vaginal tampon use, and generally better tissue comfort when a woman regularly uses a vaginal moisturizer.
Lubricants are designed for short term moisture specifically to use during sex. Many lubricants are popular.
Oil based lubricants destroy condoms, if you use condoms use a silicone or water based lubricant, and not a vaginal moisturizer.
Read the labels! Both lubricants and moisturizers can contain additives you or your partner can be allergic to.
We can order compounded suppositories or liquids with hyaluronic acid if you feel you struggle to get a good lubricant.