Ovarian cysts usually do not cause symptoms. If you are experiencing pain and think you need cyst removal, in Champaign, IL, WHP often has same day appointment openings.
What To Do About Cysts
Ovarian cysts appear in many women during reproductive years.
They are likely to be non-cancerous sacs, usually occur on the right ovary, and resolve without medical treatment. Many women who have cysts never notice until they are discovered in a doctor’s office. For some complicated cases, Women’s Health Practice offers symptom management, treatment, and cyst removal in Champaign, IL.
Causes of Cysts
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is always associated with cysts. Symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstruation, excess body and facial hair, weight gain, or hair loss. PCOS sometimes causes fertility issues requiring treatment
Ovarian cysts are so common because they can happen during ovulation. Cysts are often small and do not cause symptoms, so they go completely unnoticed. Occasionally, they do cause problems that call for treatment.
Fertility Drugs
Sometimes fertility drugs can cause cysts to form. Again, these usually go away after menstruation or the onset of pregnancy, and don’t require treatment.
Approach to Cyst Treatment
Ovarian cysts are extremely common sacs usually filled with fluid and most often caused by ovulation.
They’re found during exams or ultrasounds, and often require no treatment and go away on their own. Treatments for cysts depend on your age, symptoms, hormonal conditions, and the characteristics of the cyst itself. If you don’t have any symptoms or concerns, the first option is to see if it goes away naturally.
In extreme cases, an ovarian cyst can cause complications and require removal. If you think you may need cyst removal in Champaign, IL, contact WHP for a consultation.

Treatment Options

Contraceptives, or birth control pills, are useful in preventing and resolving many cases for ovarian cysts. WHP offers contraceptive consultation, so you can find a contraceptive best suited to your needs.

Hormone Management
For PCOS, cysts are associated with androgen hormones. If you have been diagnosed with, or suspect you may have PCOS, contact the WHP care team to find out if hormone therapy is appropriate for you.

Watchful Waiting
If your cysts have been discovered during a doctor’s visit, and you are experiencing few to no symptoms from your cysts. You may benefit from simply waiting to see if they will go away on their own.

In 1 out of 100 cases, cysts can twist or rupture, causing extreme bleeding. At WHP this is considered cause for cyst removal in Champaign, IL.
About Women’s Health Practice
At Women’s Health Practice, we take a holistic, patient-centered approach to care.
Our practice has decades of history providing innovative perspectives on women’s health services. We have participated in over a hundred studies regarding women’s sexual and hormonal health. We continue to serve as local leaders in healthcare by providing treatments and services like cyst removal in Champaign, IL.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About Cysts
Ovarian cysts are usually diagnosed by ultrasound.
If you have pain during sex, irregular vaginal bleeding, or difficulty getting pregnant, schedule an appointment at WHP to see if you need treatment.
Some cysts take years to resolve themselves, and some never completely go away. If you think your cysts are not resolved, contact our clinic for an appointment.
Yes, we are in-network with most PPOs and HMOs and we also accept self-pay patients.

Get a Virtual Consultation
Find out if you need cyst treatment or cyst removal in Champaign, IL. by trying out our free virtual consultation.