Many physicians prescribe oral contraceptive pills to control heavy periods, but you can also do this with other types of contraception including the DMPA shot, the Nexplanon rod, the vaginal rings, or IUDs. For those who have bleeding due to other problems like uterine fibroids or polyps it may take more than contraception to fix your periods. By definition if we bleed less than 80 cc per time of menstrual period then it’s considered normal. Most women who notice clots or have to use feminine protection labeled ‘super’ have periods that are too heavy. One of the clinical research trials recently showed how well periods could be controlled with just the right oral contraceptive pill. For the study of effectiveness the patients were enrolled who were losing more than double that amount of blood per period. The patients were also complaining of cramping. The treatment rm was with the birth control pill Natazia, and they were studied for about 6 months, 7 cycles. For the first month the group decreased in bleeding just a bit, but by the second cycle the bleeding was cut down to a fourth of what it was, on average 40 ml, or half of the amount of a “normal” cycle. there was additional improvement for the who 7 cycles. By the 7th cycle on Natasia most patients only lost less than 20 ml for their entire menstrual period. And about one third of patients stated they had complete symptoms relief. Other birth control pills are likely to be as effective, but this is an excellent study to show why this particular birth control pill may be a good choice if you have heavy, prolonged or frequent periods! Have you had a chance to try this alternative? Other gynecologic benefits such as less sore breasts can be another health benefit of the right period. Protection against pregnancy is just one reason to get on the right contraceptive, a healthy period is just as important!